"Just let me finish."
And I've been waiting for it to end...
Why does it feel so right, yet so wrong, all at the same time?
When I was in surgery, I was extremely reluctant to leave. I wanted to stay there, and to continue doing it for the rest of my life.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like paeds. In many ways, there were many enjoyable moments. And much that I've learned and remember. And there are parts of it that I will sorely miss. Yet, I want to leave. Perhaps it's just the environment that pushes me away so badly.
Or perhaps, it's the blend of it all that makes it unbearable.
Only another 5 days....
And another 2 calls....
Two more days of waking up at 4 am....
And then...
I'm done.
And hopefully, forever.
*fingers crossed*

- jess, in the final lap -
PS: To all who are around in KL next week (20-24 March), yours truly will be back in KL!!!!! Interested to meet up? Let me know asap! (i.e. Call me call me!!!) Miss ya lots! :)