Temperature rising
I'm officially one hot chick.
(Not that I wasn't one before, but now it's official :P Haha)
No no, not hot in that manner, but of a different kind altogether.
Apparently every time I'm on-call, the wards will be bursting full with patients. And the amount of new cases seem to surmount everyone elses'.
That just basically means horrible amount of work for me, and for those who are working with me that night.
So the nurses decided to label me as the 'hot chick'.
Not a very good label, in that sense, coz it means that I won't be getting much sleep everytime I'm on-call :(
Slept at 330am, coz there were SIX new cases last night, and just working thru them and taking their blood and stuff is truly killing.
It's no longer fun anymore when you see your colleague sleeping soundly away in the room and you're slaving away clerking patients in the darkness of the night.
I only slept ONE hour last night.
Everyone seems to be in the mood for epigastric pain last night. And two turned out to be quite serious. Good thing it only became so in the morning, otherwise... panic leh!
My calls are always interesting.
Though, at times, I wish I was cold.
On a happier note, I received a surprise thru the mail today.

A parcel from Amazon.com?
But I never ordered any books wor.
And inside was this!

*super huge grin*
Thanks my dear, for I know you need not order this for me, and yet you choose to do so.
Thank you isn't enough anymore.
It's not the gift, but it's the thought, that you remember and care about me, that counts.
Sounds cliche, I know, but know that it's what my heart says, and it is real.
I am touched.
You're truly my angel.
So it wasn't such a bad day, after all.
-jess, a.k.a. hot chick-
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 8:44:00 am
It's easy to be an angel to angels. =) top