What happens when the problem just keep getting bigger and bigger, and there's nothing ou can do to stop it, beofre it collapses on you and kills you, slowly, painfully, but surely?
I've tried all that I could to stay, and now it's not just within the hospital walls anymore.
I've reached the state, and the ministry.
All because I wanted to stay to do O&G here.
So why is it so difficult?
I'm backed up against the wall, and the more I struggle, the more I suffocate in all the red tape.
What if this is not the path for me?
Or perhaps it is, but I just have to get it the hard way, so that I'll grow, a lil bit more.
I don't know.
I really don't know.
And all this uncertainties... are just killing me.
I'm still praying hard that I've made the right choice.
Have I?
In times like this...
I have no idea.
*head bowed in silent prayer*