The move
I'm finally....
Yet, the moment I stepped off the plane, everything that I knew of this place, is not the same, anymore.
For one, you, are no longer here.
And the air, still smells, of aftermath.
It's painful, sure. But someone once told me that to be able to move on, I need to pick myself up from the place where I have fallen.
And here I am now.
This was where it all began....
And where it shall end.
And end, means, for me, a new beginning.
I've been waiting to start anew.
Waiting to let go of this pain within me.
Waiting to stop relentlessly asking why.
Waiting to understand the leaving.
Waiting to stop reasoning.
Waiting... for acceptance.
I know that you have left.
And everything here, will, undeniably, remind me of you.
But it's ok, for me to remember.
Because choosing to forget, would've been disrespectful to the times we had together.
And I am able to come back with my head held high...
Because I now know...
That I need not stop loving you...
I just need to love you, in a different way.
And with that, I'm moving back....
And moving on.