No-sense of direction
Upon attending, noted it was acute pulmonary oedema, in which the lungs were filled with water due to overload.
The poor poor patient was gasping away trying to catch her breath.
Several MOs (O&G with anaes) and HOs were attending to the patient at once, and we eventually intubated the patient and connected to the ventilator, and was preparing the patient to be transferred to intensive care.
So off we went, a train of equipment, ventilator, oxygen tank, patient and all, when the housemen leading the train, after a few steps, stopped on his tracks, and asked,
"Where are we going?"
Despite the pressure and intensity of the situation...
We broke out laughing.
My housemens gives me the best jokes I've ever had.
I might just start writing the chronicles and end up making a mint.
- jess, awaiting the next joke -