Both handed
It came to a point where all I wanted was for the havoc to stop, so that I have time to break down and cry.
My right arm is officially broken now, from doing too many caesars and suturing up too many perineal tears.
It hurts.
A lot.
To the point where the numbness turns to pain.
But I am grateful.
And now, I do caesars with my right hand, and I stand on the right, like everyone else.
But I write with my left hand.
So yes, many has told me that I'm one confused kid.
But it just makes me grateful that after doing caesars one after another, I can still write, because I am ambiguous.
So I'm thankful, and blessed, with this gift.
And though my right arm is falling off now, I can still do my work. Haha.
That, is what I call a blessing.
And with this blessing, maybe that's why I chose to do what I do.
And as much as I wanted to scream last night, I still like my job (90% of the time, anyway. The other 10% I still think I'm nuts.)
Now let me go nurse my broken arm.
Tomorrow, will be another long, long day.
- jess, left AND right handed -