I seem to be missing in action a lot lately, huh?
Don't blame me.
My excuse? My router died after 2 years of service ( has served me well). And I just got a new one today. Even so, stream-yx (or as some ppl like to call it, SCREAMyx) has been bonkers for the past few days, so I couldn't upload my pics at all! :(
But nevermind, I'm here now.
So how was my Gopeng trip?
Fantastic! (Sans some, as always :P)
Started out with caving (which incidentally was Gua Tempurung which I've already been to about a million years ago when I was just a lil kid).
I don't like caving.
I repeat:
I DON'T LIKE CAVING.Especially NOT in some cave which had been totally damaged by man made bridges and spotlights and pathways inside. And the icing on top of the cake for that day was that it was the school holidays and the place was
SARDINES!! :( Takes all the fun out of caving, I tell you!
Nothing like years ago when it was only a few of us inside braving the water and mud armed with just a few torchlights. And camping outside after that with fireflies for company. Ahh... those were the days :)
Now, all gone :(
No pics at the cave, was too pissed to take any (ie didn't enjoy myself at all).
Now, for the fun part :P
Water rafting down Kampar river!!!!!Less talk, more pics rite? :P Keke

The place where we stayed. Really back to basics, but good enough la. 240 bucks for caving + rafting + food + one night stay. Can la :P Keke

Closer look at the kampung house we stayed in.

The inside. Yup, that's it :P Keke. Illustrates my definition of BASIC. And it was my first time sleeping with *ahem* 10 other ppl :P Keke

The rapids. And this is just the starting point :P

More to show how furious/beautiful it was.

Pics during rafting. Sorry they ARE of BAD quality because they were taking with an outdoor disposable camera (And subsequently taken again with digital coz poor me don't have a scanner :( ). Can't expect me to bring my digital camera along with me during the rafting, do you? :P
As tame as I might make it sound, two from the group actually fell into the rapids (No it wasn't me, fyi). And albeit all that's said, IT WAS SCARY seeing them float away, and you trying to chase after them. But hey, where would the fun be if there wasn't any excitement? :P
Oh, water's brown because it was raining and we almost couldn't go because of it. But all's well, because we had super fast paced water and double the adrenaline rush! :)

The group. 11 of us sans one. All pharmacists except me :P

Mahjong kakis. These ppl really thought of everything, including bringing a set of mahjong to past the time away that night :P I'm impressed!

Just proof that I was there :P
(In case any one of you thought the photos were doctored :P)

Me and one of my closest friends. Luv ya gal!
(Nice pics rite? It's the red backdrop. We couldn't resist! :P)

Anyone interested? Call the number above! :)
(Doing some free promo for them :P Keke)
And finally....

Need I say more? :P
So.....Water rafting, anyone? :)